Author: admin

  • James Fallows Review – New York Times

    James Fallows, National Correspondent for The Atlantic, wrote the following about BrainStorm in the TECHNO FILES article, What Do TiVo and the Mac Mini Have in Common? Mr. Fallows has written and blogged about BrainStorm many times since this October 2005 article, noting that he uses BrainStorm on his MAC.

    Worth highlighting in his first review…

    Its display is text only, with no graphic grace notes, and the only thing it does is manage lists – of ideas, tasks, references, names. Behind this simplicity is surprising power, or so I have found since buying it on a friend’s recommendation several months ago. The program makes it very quick and easy to add, subtract, rearrange, or reconsider information you are working with.

    “Next is a truly obscure underdog: software called BrainStorm, created and sold by two independent programmers in England. Its kind of elegance, quite distinct from the style and polish of the Mac or TiVo, is the stripped-down functional beauty of an excellent sharpened knife.

    BrainStorm is a return to the early days of personal computing, in its resemblance to outstanding DOS-era programs like XyWrite and GrandView. Its display is text only, with no graphic grace notes, and the only thing it does is manage lists – of ideas, tasks, references, names. Behind this simplicity is surprising power, or so I have found since buying it on a friend’s recommendation several months ago. The program makes it very quick and easy to add, subtract, rearrange, or reconsider information you are working with.

    BrainStorm is not for everyone. Fortunately, it offers a 30-day free trial.”

  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy author Douglas Adams & BrainStorm

    Early 1980s

    Douglas Adams, writer, dramatist, musician and author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, faxed this letter to David Tebbutt, BrainStorm creator and founder.

    Douglas Adams remarks about BrainStorm…

    I’m beginning to boggle at the scope of your programme. It’s quite extraordinary – and addictive.

    …and making us wonder, if BrainStorm were available in the 70’s, would he have written The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy in BrainStorm?

    To see the letter, go here Douglas Adams Fax to BrainStorm or read it in full below.

    “Here, as promised, is Brainstorm properly configured to use the Rainbow line-drawing graphics. If you SUBMIT BRAIN you will load the function key processor which works with it. You will probably find the key assignments I’ve made seem strange to you. I’m still experimenting, and trying to make the controls correspond as closely as I can to my word processing function keys. Changing key assignments is very easy and self explanatory. Simply type FK from the system prompt to get into the function key programme and make changes. Each key will take up to 128 characters. Come to think of it, the programme’s documentation on disk so I’ll add that on.

    I’ve also included some information from the Rainbow technical manual and from a recent article which enable you to speed up the VDU display. It’s pretty slow at the moment.

    I’m beginning to boggle at the scope of your programme. It’s quite extraordinary – and addictive.

    One or two questions.

    What’s BRUN.COM for? It gets mentioned in passing in the manual but never explained.

    Is there any way of deleting all occurrences of a namesake? I’m sure there must be and I just haven’t found it yet.

    Loading and saving are rather tedious chores at the moment. Three useful facilities to incorporate would be:

    1) The ability to reset the default drive during INSALLB.

    2) The ability to invoke the appropriate .BRN file at the same time you load the programme. For example:            >brain diary.brn

    3) A quick save capability. So that everytime you go and get a cup of coffee you can hit a couple of keys and update your disk whilst you’re away. That way, REBRAIN becomes less necessary – prevention is better than cure.

    Will the 16-bit version allow you to use all your computer’s available memory? And run other programmes outside BRAINSTORM? That way you would have just one huge personal database which you would simply stay in all day whatever work you were doing. The possibilities are endless.

    Anyway, congratulations on a brilliant idea. Hope it makes you a rich man.

    Best wishes,

    Douglas Adams”

  • BrainStorm’s quarter century

    BrainStorm is 25 today. And still selling. I’m sorry it’s been quiet here on the blog but we have been deep in planning the program’s future. More on that later. In the meantime, if you’re interested, we have a memorabilia page tucked away on the site.

    The original press invite

  • Registering for the BrainStorm forum

    Hi everyone, David here.

    A few times recently, BrainStorm users have written to ask why they can’t get into the forum even though they’ve signed up. The sad answer is that we have tried all manner of ways of stopping the spam applications but they keep pouring in. The genuine applicants are hard to spot.

    A couple of months ago, we added a note to the confirmation emails to explain this and to ask people to write to us directly with their chosen user name. We would then activate them manually.

    So, if you’re someone who’s tried to join the forums but without success, this could be the answer. Please drop us a line – ‘support’ at brainstormsw etc (I’m trying to avoid attracting even more spam) – and we’ll sort you out.

  • BrainStorm and Vista

    If BrainStorm ever crashes in Vista, right click the icon you use to activate it and select ‘Properties’. Then ‘Compatibility’ then the XP option.

    I’ve been using it on Vista for a couple of weeks and, yesterday, experienced a couple of crashes. Hard to nail down because I couldn’t repeat them. But I’ve gone for ‘Compatibility’ mode and nothing’s happened since.

    I’ll keep you posted.

  • Picking the wheat from the chaff

    I’ve been using BrainStorm for 27 years and I’ve just discovered a new trick. I can’t believe it’s taken so long.

    I’ve just hoovered up masses of information from the internet using Magic paste.

    The result needs to be picked though to identify the important bits.

    It’s just occurred to me to make a new model – call it nuggets – and set Magic paste on there. Go back to the large file and just highlight and copy the interesting bits. These don’t have to be whole entries, they can be phrases from within an entry.

    End result: plenty of readable wheat and no chaff

  • Someone with writing issues

    Recently, I was talking with someone who has trouble with writing. She’s great at talking and is very articulate. Somehow, when it comes to writing, she has issues. The words never come out as well as she speaks and the logical flow gets lost.

    I’ve just dropped her a note, the main content of which follows. It starts by talking about a mutual contact:

    … I think he’s rather keener on MindJet’s MindManager now. But, at the time, he got a lot of value out of BrainStorm.

    The two programs are not synonymous. BrainStorm grabs your thoughts and text clippings from anywhere quickly and easily and lets you bugger about with them – moving, structuring, editing and so on.

    As I mentioned the other day in London, I use it a lot. (Background, I wrote it originally to help me with managing, editing and writing – in 1981.)

    It occurs to me that you might find it useful, especially for grabbing the key points, establishing a sequence, identifying and filling gaps, and outputting a template for whatever it is you’re trying to write.

    It sits in a space apart from outliners (although it resonates with them) and mind mappers (although it resonates with them too). It was written before both appeared on the market. It is text. It is simple. It is fast. It doesn’t get in the way of your thinking.

    There are some screencasts here:

    I can’t remember which is best to start with, but ‘real life organisation’ would appear to hold promise.

    The website, as you’ve probably realised, is and the program is free to download and use for 30 days. I can extend that if you need more time to evaluate it. The download is only a couple of meg and installation takes about a minute.

    I’m not going to claim it’s intuitive – although some people fall for it straight away. It’s something to do with how we’re wired, I think.

    In essence it’s a list. Any entry in the list can have its own list ‘underneath’ – double click on an entry’s icon or press ‘Home’ and it becomes a heading, ready for its own list. The same entry can appear in multiple places and they’re automatically hyperlinked. This has powerful uses which I won’t bore you with here.

    The whole can be displayed as an outline for when you’re figuring out how far you’ve got or whether there are gaps or too much information.

    And it can be printed, written to a file, published as HTML or OPML and so on. Frankly, the publishing aspects are not central. The ‘Write to clipboard’ is probably the most useful output because you can then drop the text (or the outline) into another program.

    I thought that if this description helps my friend, it might help you.

    PS I have just installed and created a small project in MindManager Pro 7. It’s a totally different animal and I really shouldn’t have mentioned it in the same breath as BrainStorm. It is a comprehensive graphical mind-mapping program with all manner of presentational features and project management tools. BrainStorm is much more of a personal tool: a mind assistant primarily for your own benefit. Think Segway versus jumbo jet.

  • Collecting all entries that contain certain text

    Long-standing BrainStorm user, Jack Rickards was struggling with trying to list the entries in BrainStorm that contained the same text. He could "find" and "find again" but that wasn’t enough.

    Here’s the email exchange that led to a solution that worked for him.

    From Jack:

    This may be a WIBNI request or something I have stupidly overlooked that is already possible in the all-encompassing BrainStorm.

    I realize that one can do a "find" and continue doing "find agains" on a text string and, with a split screen, copy the result of these multiple finds into a new list. Is there a way to ask BrainStorm to generate a list of all occurrences of a text string?

    I have, in a BrainStorm model, projects all over the place under various major headings. I have included in these project titles, a priority code and a now/later code, for example [A1/now]. Obviously I am looking for a quick and dirty way to generate all my "A1/now"s in a separate list.

    From me:

    On the "all strings" – I usually "Write" "Only entries containing this text" to the clipboard then paste. The pasted lines form namesakes with the originals (of course). You may want to write just one level.

    Or not.

    Let us know if this helps.

    From Jack:

    Thanks David. That works great. What an incredible and powerful feature for setting & retrieving tagged info’ throughout a BrainStorm model. David I suspect this is just one of many great features that are fully implemented yet not being pitched!

    Phew! Glad that solved your problem, Jack.

  • Phoenix-like, thinkerlog rises from the ashes

    Thinkerlog disappeared from view for reasons we’re yet to ascertain. We now suspect a dodgy blog post or, perhaps, a sudden ban on the word ‘weblog’ as a sub-directory name. Whatever the cause, we’ve shut down the original while we sort things out.

    This means that all links to the old blog will go nowhere, so we’re bringing them here.

    It means that the three or four years of blog posts are in limbo, but we’ll try and figure out how to restore them.

    We’ll keep you posted.